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I invite you to join me for this spiritual journey. These sessions will be about self- discovery and creating balance within. Tapping into Joy, Love, and the Power of being authentically you.

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing through our Sound Healing with Reiki experience. This powerful fusion of ancient practices combines the restorative energy of Reiki with the resonating vibrations of sound therapy. As you lay back and absorb the harmonious sounds of singing bowls, and more, the gentle touch of Reiki practitioner will channel positive energy, clearing blockages and restoring balance within your body and spirit.

Join us Tina and Diane to unlock a sense of deep relaxation, promote inner harmony, and tap into your body’s innate capacity to heal. Elevate your well-being and explore the profound connection between sound and energy in this unique and rejuvenating session.

I cannot encourage you enough to take time for yourself, and to feel present within your body.As the demands of life keep forcing you to push harder and work longer, eventually you become so disconnected from who you really are, you become fatigued and burnt out.

You deserve this self love session!

Registration will be through quint.relaxation@gmail.com


August 26, 2023
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Event Categories:


Quintessential Relaxation

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